Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Hampshire Primary: The Pundits Have Their Say (ContributorNetwork)

Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary by a substantial margin, but he had to share the lime light with a large field of competitors and a bevy of pundits eager to advance their own interpretations of the evening's events. Here are a few of the most entertaining and thought provoking contributions to the din of voices competing to be heard.

"The socialist attacks you're getting out of opponents of Mitt Romney are gonna come back to haunt them (referring to Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich). To begrudge him now for being successful is kind of un-American."

-- Former N.H. Gov. John Sununu ( on MSNBC )

"I stand ready to lead us down a different path, where we are lifted up by our desire to succeed, not dragged down by a resentment of success."

-- Mitt Romney's acceptance speech after N.H. win

"What he's really saying to working class Americans tonight is 'you're just jealous of us.'"

-- Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC, about Romney's speech

"I wanted to thank the Union Leader?for not endorsing me! (on the media) I kinda have to chuckle when they describe you and me as DANGEROUS!"

-- Ron Paul N.H. primary speech

"Ladies and gentleman, I think we're in the hunt!

-- Jon Huntsman, after N.H. third place finish

"They went to church, but they didn't pray (on the low turnout for the N.H. primary)"

-- Chris Mathews, on 'Hard Ball"

"Newt Gingrich has delivered to the Democrats the poison pill they need to defeat Romney." (regarding Gingrich's characterization of Bain Capital LLC as a "chop shop" for businesses).

-- Chris Mathews, on 'Hard Ball"

"There's a real difference between a venture capitalist and a vulture capitalist, and Bain Capital were vulture capitalist. Frankly I think we're doing Mitt a favor by bringing this out now so he can either figure out how to deal with it or - as I prefer - not be the candidate."

-- Rick Perry on "Piers Morgan"

"If our own party is going to polarize within and pit against each other ? I just don't like anyone pitting anyone against success. I certainly don't think that Ronald Reagan would be proud right now."

-- Rep. Michael Grimm (R, N.Y.)

"Mitt Romney got about 36 percent of the vote and four years ago he got about 32 percent in his home state. You could really declare this a loss."

-- Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chairman

"There is a rumor going around that Romney did not win convincingly. "Five Years Campaigning, Less than 40%?." blared Huffington Post's quizzical election headline. Here's a better question: Who breaks 40% while winning New Hampshire? John McCain didn't (37%). Neither did Hillary Clinton (39%) or John Kerry (38%). Romney's 39% stacks up well, and he is competing in a pretty wide field. Thus while Romney's total is close to those previous winners, his margin of victory is actually significantly larger, as Karl Rove noted on Tuesday night. A decisive Romney victory doesn't fit the "anti-Romney" narrative, however, so these numbers have been underplayed."

-- Ari Melber, columnist for "The Nation"


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