Monday, December 5, 2011

Ednaldo Lula counting on Junior dos Santos? help for UFC debut

By Marcelo Barone

Photo Guilherme Cruz

The second edition of UFC Rio, on January 14th, at HSBC Arena, has 11 Brazilians on its card, but only one is a debutant. It?s Ednaldo Lula, who fights Rob Broughton, on the only confirmed bout on the heavyweight division. Used to the daily battles of trainings, Law School and the work as a security guard at the university, Lula will have, on the beginning of 2012, the chance to right his story on the biggest MMA event in the world. "I want to show a lot of guts and objectivity in the UFC. I'm going for it, to finish it, I?ll do everything to knockout".

How did you get the invitation from UFC?

It was a surprise. I had a bout scheduled at WFE Platinum, on December 16th, and almost signing with Bellator. A friend of mine, Danilo Indio, came here to train with me one day, said I shouldn?t sign because there was a better thing coming my way. I didn?t understand it back then. It didn?t take much longer, he was on Facebook and said he had good news, but didn?t wanna tell me what was it.

How many fights are predicted on your contract?

Six. It was a surprise, because usually they offer like two or three fights. My obligation is even bigger now. All fighters dream on fighting in the UFC and I got it, with a great contract. I was training because I?d fight next month, so it came to me on the right time.

Do you fear the pressure since you?ll be debiting in an event that big?

It?s a pressure of an international event, but there?s the good side, because my first fight will be in Brazil, my country. Thank God the fans will be on my side. It?d be a bigger pressure if I fought outside, like in England, for instance, but I?m used. The responsibility is different now, there?re many things to be risked and my obligation is greater now.

What do you know about your opponent? Almost all of his wins were by KO or submission?

I only know his name, and I don?t even know how to pronounce it (laughs). My coaches are in charge of that (giving him the information).

What changes in your career are you hoping for after UFC Rio?

You can?t compare UFC, it gives me perspective of living to fight. But I?m grateful to WFE, event that helped me a lot professionally.

Do you do something else?

I work as a security guard every other day from 10om until 7am where I go to law school. After that I go home and have breakfast and 9am I go train. I?m on the ninth period and I?ll graduate next year. I lost many classes because I had the tests, but I had to train first. Now it?s the UFC. I gotta train harder because my life is on the line.

What can the fans hope of you?

My game is focusing on Boxing and the stand-up, what they like better to see. I?m a BJJ black belt, so I?m not dumb on the ground. I train many kicks, wrestling, but I?m better on the stand-up. I want to show a lot of guts and objectivity in the UFC. I'm going for it, to finish it, I?ll do everything to knockout.

Will Junior dos Santos help you?

Cigano is a guy who has always helped me professionally, he has always helped and I?ve always helped him as his sparring. I don?t know if he?s helping me on the trainings, because he might go through a knee surgery, but only saying nice things, telling me about stepping in that octagon many times, it?s helpful. When we fight, wherever it is, even in any place here in Brazil, he calls me to talk to me, say some words? He?s like a brother.

You were known as ?Lula Molusco? (Squidward). Why did you leave it behind?

I guess Ednaldo Lula sounds more professional.


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