Saturday, December 31, 2011

10 Things Gaming Did Right in 2011 -

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Some people set their New Year's resolutions to address failures of the year gone by, but we prefer to look at setting goals for 2012 that build on successes. This got us wondering what gaming had done right in 2011.

By "gaming" we mean the entirety of the video game world: developers, critics, publishers, pundits and fans. We're all part of the gaming community and have the potential to contribute in meaningful ways to make our pasttime better. Here are 10 examples from 2011, some serious, some silly, and presented in no particular order.

California Files Reply Brief In Violent Video Game Supreme Court Case

Successfully fought California's violent video game law

Not since the days of Jack Thompson have we had to put up with such stupidity as California's law criminalizing the sale of ?extremely violent video games? to minors. The psychiatric science behind California's law was so bad that California State Senator Leland Yee, who holds a Ph.D. in Child Psychology and introduced the law in 2005, should be ashamed of himself.

Thanks to the efforts of the Entertainment Merchants Association, who fought the California law all the way to the United States Supreme Court (which struck the law down in a 7-2 ruling in June of this year), not only will it be more difficult for anyone to try and pass such absurd laws in the future, but video games are now officially recognized as protected speech under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Of all the wins scored for video games in 2011, this one was the most epic.

Dragon Age 2

Persistence in role playing games

Part of what makes tabletop role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons fun is creating characters that carry over from adventure to adventure. Groups of tabletop RPG players can have characters they play for decades, and that rich history feeds into the quality of their adventures. RPGs in the video game world have traditionally been stand-alone experiences, or if they were franchises, didn't reflect choices from previous games in a series.

In two games released this year, Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2, developer Bioware allowed players to transfer choices from Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins respectively. The effect of this mechanic in Dragon Age 2 was subtle, but in Mass Effect 2 the differences in game world based on importing different sets of player choices was pronounced. The sense of Commander Shepard, the hero of the Mass Effect games, inhabiting a living world was thus enhanced. This is a positive development for single-player RPGs, and hopefully a mechanic that will be employed by other games in the genre by multiple developers.

LA Noire


While L.A. Noire was problematic as a complete work on many counts, there's no denying that the MotionScan system pioneered by developer Team Bondi is a major step forward in portraying realistic characters in video games. Consider the technology by itself for a moment. Can you imagine a role playing game where all the characters' performances were shot using MotionScan?

If future iterations of the technology can be made cheaper and easier to implement such that it could be widely employed by game developers, the potential for realistic character performances could have positive repercussions across the entire video game industry.

Tech Junkie: PlayStation 3 Move Sharp Shooter and Shooting Attachment - Pew, Pew Pew!

A gun peripheral worth having

Veteran gamers have seen a lot of chintzy gun peripherals over the years. The Nintendo Entertainment System's Zapper was cute, and the modern incarnation for the Wii is equally adorable, but in terms of gun peripherals that properly felt like guns the entries have been few and far between.

Enter Sony's Sharp Shooter, which works in tandem with the Move motion control system. The Sharp Shooter's body is reminiscent of a Heckler and Koch MP5 submachine gun. Loading the Move into the Sharp Shooter feels like changing a barrel and if you really want to geek out, pushing the Navigation controller home might be loading an under-barrel grenade launcher.

What really matters is how the peripheral feels in action, and playing games with the Sharp Shooter can be surprisingly smooth and satisfying. There's still work to be done on perfecting gun peripherals, mind you, but the Sharp Shooter was an important step in the right direction. Cute, it is not.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Bringing the RPG to MMORPG's

Massively multiplayer online role playing games always deliver on the MMO, at least as long as people are subscribing to them, but are usually light on the RPG. It's much easier to replicate tabletop role playing game mechanics like loot and statistics and die-roll-based combat than it is to try and recreate the exchanges that take place between human players role playing their characters at the table.

When you break it down, what Bioware did with The Old Republic was take the same sort of story and dialogue sequences they have mastered in single player RPGs and melded them with the tried-and-true MMO formula pioneered by games like EverQuest and perfected by World of Warcraft. It required a tremendous investment of time and money, but Bioware's gamble worked.

No longer do MMO players have to roll a character on a role playing server and hope enough of the people on that server are actually there to role play in order to get their RPG on. It's a standard part of the package that is The Old Republic. Whether or not this is feasible for all MMO games is debatable, but Bioware has at least proven that it can successfully be done.

QuakeCon 2010 Brink Preview

Brink's AI Squad Commander

The first person shooter community is unruly to put it kindly. Getting a random group of FPS players to stay on task in objective-based multiplayer matches can feel like herding cats. Trying to organize the effort on chat can amount to nothing more than an invitation for verbal abuse. Understanding all of this is necessary to appreciate what English development studio Splash Damage accomplished with Brink's Squad Commander.

The Squad Commander is a dynamic AI routine that highlights potential mission objectives and changes to reflect game conditions. The Squad Commander worked precisely as advertised, keeping teams organized and on-task even when no one was directly communicating with anyone else. You may have to be a team FPS player to appreciate the innovation the Squad Commander represents, but we wanted to give Splash Damage a nod for making it easier to play online first person shooters without pulling one's hair out.

Nintendo 3DS

Glasses-free 3D technology

Regardless of whether or not Nintendo delivered on the ?wow factor? from E3 2010 when the 3DS handheld was first shown to the public, this is another example of appreciating a technical achievement independently of whether it was implemented properly or not. Who among us would have thought five years ago that true three-dimension displays without 3D glasses were possible?

Maybe the science writers or developers in the audience just raised their hands, but it's a safe bet that most of us had no idea what was on the horizon. It's worth noting that part of the reason glasses-free 3D technology hasn't been implemented very well yet in video games because Nintendo didn't want to make games that depending on 3D mechanics, in order not to alienate users who couldn't use the 3D technology for whatever reason.

That was a reasonable stance for a company that prides itself on accessibility, but now that the technology is available to third parties, try to imagine playing first person shooters on full-size glasses-free 3D television sets. Or glasses-free 3D movies as a matter of course. If we ever get there, the gaming industry will have blazed that trail by making the technology readily-accessible to consumers for the first very time.

Grand Theft Auto 3 Anniversary Release Date Revealed

Core Gaming on iOS devices

In late 2010 Infinity Blade drew lots of attention for running the Unreal engine on an iPhone. It was a turning point in the debate as to whether or not core gaming belonged in or could be supported by the iPhone market. In 2011 games like Dead Space, Zombie Gunship, Infinity Blade II and GTA III: Anniversary Edition were released on the iPhone and effectively ended the debate.

This is a fundamental shift in our perception of the relationship between mobile gaming and traditional gaming platforms. Twin-stick control schemes continue to not work very well on iOS devices, but now that core gaming on those devices is a proven commodity, who's to say we won't see gamepads for the iPad popularized in the near future?

DC Universe Online

A successful MMO was established on a console

We don't want to give the impression that DC Universe Online is a pioneering game, as other traditional-design MMOs have appeared on consoles. EverQuest Adventures and Final Fantasy XI immediately come to mind, but neither game made a huge splash in North America and so the perception has continued to linger that MMOs will never be appropriate for consoles. DCUO provides a cogent argument for questioning this notion.

Since going free to play in November, the player base for DC Universe Online has reportedly skyrocketed. Going free to play after launching with a subscription model is no knock against the game, as we've seen PC MMOs catapult into profitability after making the same transition. While DCUO features a combat system that is more akin to action games than traditional MMOs the quest, loot and group encounter mechanics are all standard MMO fare.

The hump that console MMOs have to get over is the social aspect of the genre facilitated by keyboards on the PC. We've seen the Xbox 360 Chatpad, however. The challenge is not insurmountable, and if DC Universe Online continues to gain and hold a strong player base, other developersgt may take up that challenge in earnest.

Batman: Arkham City Joker

Raised visibility of the need for equal representation in gaming

The other ridiculousness we continue to put up besides the whole ?violent video games? thing, is the perception by the uninformed as to who gamers are. Our average age is somewhere in the mid-to-late 30's depending on which study you cite. At least 40% of us are female. We are an incredibly diverse group of people, and it was heartening to see The Economist trumpet these realities in its December 10-16 issue.

Public perception is one thing. Making sure that we are including everyone in our gaming community is another, and this year a lot of noise was made about making sure this task is not left untended. Penny Arcade came under fire for making light of serious women's issues. Kotaku published columns by gay and transgender gamers who wanted their voices heard alongside everyone else's. The potential sexism of Batman: Arkham City's dialogue was questioned.

When it comes to social change, conversations like these have value for their own sake. They raise awareness that we're not all a bunch of 18-30 year old men playing shooters. We're men and women and kids and adults and core gamers and casual gamers, and embracing that diversity doesn't mean diluting how hardcore our shooters are or forcing everyone into the confines of political correctness. Embracing our diversity as a community means putting an end to the stereotype of who the average gamer is, which helps video games take their rightful place as the 21st century's most exciting form of media, and ultimately leads to more and better games for all of us.

Dennis Scimeca is a freelance video game journalist from Boston, MA. His weekly video game opinion column First Person runs Thursdays on The Escapist. You can reach him through his blog, Punching Snakes, or enjoy his random excitations on Twitter:


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Rescue group in crisis mode after cat euthanized (AP)

PHOENIX ? Animal lovers threatened to pull donations to an animal rescue group and the public flooded the agency with scathing comments and calls after a man's cat was euthanized when he couldn't afford its medical care, prompting the Arizona Humane Society to go into damage-control mode Wednesday.

The group has hired a publicist, removed dozens of comments on its Facebook page and directed a team of five volunteers to respond to the overwhelming calls and emails it has received since The Arizona Republic published a weekend story about Daniel Dockery and his 9-month-old cat, Scruffy.

Dockery, a 49-year-old recovering heroin addict, told the Phoenix newspaper that he took Scruffy to a Humane Society center on Dec. 8 because she had a cut from a barbed-wire fence, an injury that he described as non-life-threatening. The agency said it would cost $400 to treat Scruffy, money he didn't have.

The Humane Society cited policy when it declined to accept a credit card over the phone from Dockery's mother in Michigan or to wait for her to wire the money. The staff said if he signed papers surrendering the cat, Scruffy would be treated and put in foster care, he said.

Instead, Scruffy was euthanized several hours later.

Dockery told the Republic that he was devastated.

"Now I've got to think about how I failed that beautiful animal," Dockery said. "I failed her. ... That's so wrong. There was no reason for her not to be treated."

He described the cat as helping him stay off drugs for more than a year, the longest he had ever been clean. He hand-fed the feline before she opened her eyes at 4 days old, giving her fresh tuna and letting her sleep on his pillow.

Stacy Pearson, who was hired by the agency specifically to deal with media questions about the cat, said Dockery's case has led to two changes. The Arizona Humane Society has set up an account, funded through donations, that would cover the costs of emergency treatment of animals whose owners need a day or two to come up with money for payments. And the group is now accepting credit card payments by phone, Pearson said.

Dozens of scathing comments have since inundated the group's Facebook page, with animal lovers demanding to know why the cat was put down. Pearson said angry comments were removed because of their content: One called for the staff to be euthanized, while another said what happened to Scruffy was murder.

Pearson said Scruffy was put down over a number of reasons, including Dockery's lack of immediate funds, a lack of veterinarians to treat her and what Pearson described as a very serious cut on Scruffy from her abdomen to her knee that went to the muscle.

She said the Arizona Humane Society at the time didn't accept credit card payments over the phone because of possible fraud and can't treat pets with only a promise from owners that they can pay the next day. She said staff had every intention of getting Scruffy the help she needed but the number of animals requiring help at the group's second-chance clinic was too much for the resources available.

If Dockery had been able to pay, Scruffy would have been treated at the facility where he brought her, Pearson said.

"There was no malicious intent to take Scruffy away from her father," Pearson said. "Pulling funding is only going to make a problem like this worse."

On Facebook, where only the agency's executive director is allowed to post comments now, Guy Collison wrote that "Scruffy's story is heartbreaking, and underscores the worst-case-scenario of need eclipsing resources available." He said that his agency has always done what's best for animals.

In less than an hour after his statement was posted, more than 100 people responded, with most slamming the agency and some defending it as doing the best it can with available resources.

Pearson said the group told Dockery on Tuesday that when he's ready for another pet, he could come in and pick one out, but he declined, telling them: "No thanks."


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Breast cancer screenings offered

ATHENS ? Breast cancer screenings and education will be provided by the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine?s (OU-HCOM) Community Heath Program on January 12 and 19.

The Clinic will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Free Community Clinic located at OU-HCOM.

Free clinical breast examinations, breast health education, and appointments and vouchers for mammograms will be provided for uninsured and under-insured women.

Appointments are required. For appointments or more information call 1-800-844-2654 or (740) 593-2432.

The clinic is a community service provided by the OU-HCOM?s Community Health Programs, Breast and Cervical Cancer Projects of Southeast Ohio and the Columbus affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

31 injured in jet's crash-landing in Kyrgyzstan (AP)

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan ? The Kyrgyz government says that 31 people have been injured in the crash-landing of a passenger jet.

Kyrgyzstan's Health Ministry said the Soviet-built Tu-134 jet was carrying 95 passengers and six crew when it crash-landed in deep fog Wednesday at the airport of the southern city of Osh.

Emergency Situations Minister Kubatbek Boronov said the plane flying from the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek was damaged when it made a rough landing in Osh. He didn't elaborate, but eyewitnesses said the jet rolled off the runway, broke its wing, overturned and caught fire.

Boronov said that 17 of the 31 injured were hospitalized.

The Tu-134 is a two-engine jet that has remained in service with many post-Soviet carriers.


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jessica Chastain takes Palm Springs fest honors (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES ( ? The Palm Springs International Film Festival has now stocked its annual Awards Gala with 14 honorees, adding actress Jessica Chastain and composer Howard Shore to its previously announced lineup.

Chastain will receive the festival's Spotlight Award at the January 7 gala, while Shore will get the Frederick Loewe Music Award.

Also receiving awards at the gala are George Clooney, Glenn Close, Stephen Daldry, Michel Hazanavicius, Gary Oldman, Brad Pitt, Octavia Spencer, Michelle Williams and the creative team behind "Young Adult": director Jason Reitman, screenwriter Diablo Cody and stars Charlize Theron and Patton Oswalt.

The two new honorees will complete the lineup.

Chastain had seven movies released in 2011, including "The Tree of Life," "The Help," "Take Shelter," "The Debt" and "Coriolanus."

Shore wrote the music for David Cronenberg's "A Dangerous Method" and Martin Scorsese's "Hugo," though PSIFF says he will be receiving the award for the latter film.

In a press release announcing the awards, festival chairman Howard Matzner called Chastain "one of the cinema's most versatile and most sought after young actresses," and termed Shore "a master composer who has consistently delighted audiences of the more than 80 films he has scored."

The 23rd Palm Springs International Film Festival will begin on January 5 and run through January 16 in the desert resort town east of Los Angeles.


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Commentary: NCAA, Ohio St., both to blame

By Brian Kollars, Staff Writer Updated 1:15 PM Sunday, December 25, 2011

The in-laws came up huge with an amazing gift. If you drive past our house, you?ll see a small leg lamp in the window, a replica of the cussing dad?s big prize in ?A Christmas Story.? Our teenager is appalled that I would display this fine piece of craftsmanship in such a prominent space but, hey, she doesn?t pay the mortgage.

Ohio State football fans got a big lump of coal last week when the NCAA surprised everyone by banning the Buckeyes from a bowl game ... next season. There?s no way the fallout from Jim Tressel?s dirty little secret should stretch into 2012. But it will.

The NCAA allegedly employs bright people who could consult a calendar and figure out that Ohio State was in line for a bowl game this year. Why not step up the pace and drop this bombshell a month earlier? That way, OSU doesn?t go to a meaningless bowl game this season.

On the other hand, the arrogant OSU administration has fumbled at every turn, from the ridiculous news conference during which Tressel was given a big smooch to the weak self-imposed sanctions. If there was any hint of this coming down, OSU should have said no to the Gator Bowl.

I?m sure the attorneys are drawing up Gene Smith?s golden parachute right now.

The NBA tips off today after what seemed like a three-day exhibition season. The most intriguing story line is not the status of Kobe Bryant?s wrist or why Mariah Carey is not part of the league?s marketing plan.

The big question: How long will it take Jack Nicholson to snub the Lakers for the Clippers?

Jill sent me to that fancy new Kroger store in Kettering two days before Christmas. I?m sure she was laughing, but I survived my first trip to the store despite the hand-to-hand combat in the baking goods aisle.

A big thanks to Mary, who checked me out. She asked if I had a Kroger card and my reply was a blank stare. She told me to punch in my phone number, which led to 22 bucks of savings!

Merry Christmas to all of you vociferous readers. We?ll return next week with some New Year?s resolutions for athletes, etc. If you have any suggestions, send them my way and I?ll give you credit for your clever ideas.

Contact this reporter at (937) 225-2163 or


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Celebrity memoir quiz

Hooray for childhoods! Without them, we'd have so much less to complain about as adults. And by adults, I'm referring to the only important folks in our world today: You, me, and celebrities. As you and I work on our multi-volume memoirs ? you are writing one, yes? ? perhaps we can learn a thing from the early lives of the stars. Luckily, several Hollywood types looked back upon their awkward younger days in books published in 2011.

Can you match these memories and memoirs?


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Nigerians fear more church attacks after 39 killed (AP)

MADALLA, Nigeria ? At a Nigerian Catholic church where a terror attack killed 35 people on Christmas, women tried to clean the sanctuary ahead of Mass on Monday while one man wept uncontrollably amid the debris.

Outside St. Theresa Catholic Church, crowds gathered among the burned-out cars in the dirt parking lot, angry over the attack claimed by a radical Muslim sect and fearful that the group will target more churches.

Rev. Father Christopher Jataudarde told The Associated Press that Sunday's blast happened as church officials gave parishioners white powder as part of a tradition celebrating the birth of Christ.

Some already had left the church at the time of the bombing, causing the massive casualties. In the chaos after the bombing, Jataudarde said one mortally wounded man, cradling his shredded stomach, begged him for religious atonement.

"Father, pray for me, I will not survive," the man said, according to the priest.

At least 52 people were wounded in the attack, said Slaku Luguard, a coordinator with Nigeria's National Emergency Management Agency. Victims filled the cement floors of a nearby government hospital, some crying in pools of their own blood.

On Christmas, attacks by the radical Muslim sect left 39 dead across Africa's most populous nation. A bomb also exploded amid gunfire in the central Nigeria city of Jos and a suicide car bomber attacked the military in the nation's northeast.

After the bombings, a Boko Haram spokesman using the nom de guerre Abul-Qaqa claimed responsibility for the attacks in an interview with The Daily Trust, the newspaper of record across Nigeria's Muslim north. The sect has used the newspaper in the past to communicate with public.

"There will never be peace until our demands are met," the newspaper quoted the spokesman as saying. "We want all our brothers who have been incarcerated to be released; we want full implementation of the Sharia system and we want democracy and the constitution to be suspended."

Boko Haram has carried out increasingly sophisticated and bloody attacks in its campaign to implement strict Shariah law across Nigeria, a multiethnic nation of more than 160 million people. The group, whose name means "Western education is sacrilege" in the local Hausa language, is responsible for at least 504 killings this year alone, according to an Associated Press count.

This Christmas attack comes a year after a series of Christmas Eve bombings in Jos claimed by the militants left at least 32 dead and 74 wounded. The group also claimed responsibility for the Aug. 26 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Nigeria's capital Abuja that killed 24 people and wounded 116 others.

While initially targeting enemies via hit-and-run assassinations from the back of motorbikes after the 2009 riot, violence by Boko Haram now has a new sophistication and apparent planning that includes high-profile attacks with greater casualties.

That has fueled speculation about the group's ties as it has splintered into at least three different factions, diplomats and security sources say. They say the more extreme wing of the sect maintains contact with terror groups in North Africa and Somalia.

Targeting Boko Haram has remained difficult, as sect members are scattered throughout northern Nigeria and the nearby countries of Cameroon, Chad and Niger.

Analysts say political considerations also likely play a part in the country's thus-far muted response: President Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian from the south, may be hesitant to use force in the nation's predominantly Muslim north.

Speaking late Sunday at a prayer service, Jonathan described the bombing as an "ugly incident."

"There is no reason for these kind of dastardly acts," the president said in a ceremony aired by the state-run Nigerian Television Authority. "It's one of the burdens as a nation we have to carry. We believe it will not last forever."


Jon Gambrell reported from Lagos, Nigeria and can be reached at


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Monday, December 26, 2011

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Bitcoins: A Decentralized Digital Currency?

By: Katherine Thorsteinson, Staff Writer

The new currency?

via TraderTim, Flickr

In the wake of a global double dip recession the world is screaming ?Show me the money!? However, the response to this demand is widely varied. There are those involved with Operation Occupy Wall Street, those like libertarian Ron Paul advocating a zero percent income tax policy and reversion to the gold standard, and finally there is the more traditionally moderate position of slow recovery and little systematic change.

With all this opposition and disagreement the really interesting question becomes, what will this money begin to look like? Currently, things are not likely to change in this regard, but one very novel invention seems to be indicating where money may take us in the future. Can you imagine a totally decentralised digital currency? Welcome to the world of Bitcoins. In the spirit of anonymity upheld by this new currency, its 2009 invention has been attributed to the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. But to whom this might be or to how many people this may include is entirely unknown.

To some, this may sound like the perfect answer to many of our current economic difficulties?

Bitcoins are an online currency which may be exchanged in a virtual value system with other users around the world. tells us that, ?Compared to other alternatives, Bitcoins have a number of advantages. Bitcoins are transferred directly from person to person via the net without going through a bank or a clearing house. This means that the fees are much lower, you can use them in every country, your account cannot be frozen, and there are no prerequisites or arbitrary limits.?

// ]]>

To some, this may sound like the perfect answer to many of our current economic difficulties in which the world?s greatest superpower relies on a Federal Reserve Bank that remains suspiciously not federal. But how exactly do these new Bitcoins work? Somewhat allusively, explains that ?Bitcoins are generated all over the internet by anybody running a free application called Bitcoin miner.? To ?mine? your Bitcoin a certain amount of ?work? is required.

The network automatically adjusts the amount of Bitcoins earned per amount of work completed so that they are always being produced at a predictable and limited rate. To transfer your Bitcoins, the program adds an electronic signature, and within minutes this transaction will be certified by another member miner. This entire transaction is then stored in the network permanently and anonymously. Because this software is open-sourced, anybody has rights to access the code.

In spite of this explanation, for many this system will remain troubling and elusive. Indeed, difficulties have already surfaced. Due to a number of factors, including the currency?s short life-span and user uncertainty, Bitcoin continues to display a highly volatile rate of exchange into USD, and this problem is only amplified by the inability to make use of futures or options. There are a number of online businesses and exchange markets that are already accepting Bitcoin.

However, different users are quoting widely different exchange rates for any given time, suggesting that value in the Bitcoin market is not so evenly distributed. More technical concerns have been raised about the security of such online currencies in the face of a growingly competent hacking community. Others have wondered to what extent Bitcoin is a viable alternative to our current financial crises. After all, critics ask, isn?t it troubling that our value system has strayed so far from the real, physical modes of production and service? It is unclear whether this new financial option could assess these more psychological considerations.

For all its novel interest and seemly good intentions, this currency remains somewhat of a play thing for those involved with or curious about computer programming and economics. Considering how drastically different Bitcoins are from our current system, it is unlikely for the moment that this ?change? is going to come.

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

U.N. passes leaner 2012-2013 budget amid economic turmoil (Reuters)

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) ? The U.N. General Assembly on Saturday approved a 5 percent decrease in the United Nations' budget for 2012-2013 over the previous two-year period, only the second time in 50 years that the world body has slashed its spending.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon praised the 193-nation General Assembly for reducing costs at a time when governments around the world are cutting expenditures and implementing austerity measures in response to the global financial crisis.

"I am here to thank you for solidifying, with me, our compact to make the most of our resources ... to cut fat ... and to continue fulfilling every one of the critical global mandates entrusted to the United Nations," Ban said in the written text of a speech distributed by his press department.

The deal for a $5.15 billion budget, which compares with $5.41 billion spent in 2010-2011, came after marathon negotiations that ran all night from Friday into Saturday. A deal was not clinched until Saturday morning.

As in past years, the biennial budget negotiations were marked by a tussle between poor countries seeking to raise U.N. development spending and major developed countries - the biggest budget contributors - trying to rein the figures in as they struggle to reduce expenditures in their own national budgets.

U.S. Deputy Ambassador Joe Torsella, who focuses on U.N. management and reform at the U.S. mission, welcomed what he said was "a budget for a strengthened, more efficient, and more effective United Nations."

He said in a statement that the average increase in U.N. biennial budgets over the last two decades has been 5 percent. In 1998 the General Assembly cut the U.N. budget compared to the previous two years, the only other time it had done so in the past 50 years, Torsella said.

The so-called core U.N. budget voted through on Saturday does not include peacekeeping, currently running at over $7 billion a year and approved in separate negotiations, or the costs of several major U.N. agencies funded by voluntary contributions from member states.

Critics of the United Nations, especially in the United States, have long charged that it is a bloated and sometimes corrupt bureaucracy that wastes taxpayers' money.

Supporters of the world body say it is cheap at the price.

Torsella said the new budget would help create a "more effective United Nations that saves the American taxpayers millions of dollars and sets the United Nations on the path of real fiscal discipline and continued reform."

The United States, which pays 22 percent of the U.N. budget, is the biggest financial contributor to the United Nations.

(Editing by Mohammad Zargham)


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Fairfax merges Vic community papers arm

Fairfax Media has moved to recapture some recently lost real estate advertising revenue in Victoria through a merger with Metro Media Publishing (MMP).

MMP was founded by Antony Catalano and publishes The Weekly Review, which successfully took large real estate advertising dollars away from Fairfax's Melbourne Weekly when it launched in 2010.

Industry estimates suggest The Weekly Review took about $20 million in advertising revenue away from Fairfax.

Under the deal, which still requires Australian Competition and Consumer Commission approval, Fairfax would pay $35 million and fold its Fairfax Community Newspapers in Victoria into MMP.

Fairfax said it would own 50 per cent voting and economic interest in MMP after the transaction was completed.

Fairfax's statement on Friday said The Weekly Review was delivered to about 220,000 households.

MMP managing director Antony Catalano, a former senior executive at Fairfax's The Age newspaper in Melbourne, would continue in his current role, Fairfax said.

"This merger provides the opportunity to roll out Fairfax Media's Domain brand across the MMP titles, and to build a stronger internet and app presence for the local real estate industry," he said in a statement.

"Both MMP and Fairfax Media see a bright future for high-quality local print publications working closely with real estate agents, and an improved digital presence will only enhance this offering."

At 1214 AEDT Fairfax was up one cent, or 1.41 per cent, at 72 cents.

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Two GOP frosh push for two-month bill (Politico)

A few Republican rookies are starting to blink on the payroll tax showdown.

Rep. Rick Crawford, an Arkansas Republican, called on Speaker Boehner ?to let the House vote on extending the payroll tax holiday? in a carefully worded letter Thursday that made clear some Republicans are ready to compromise. Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.), a high profile member of the influential Republican freshman class, also issued a statement Thursday pushing for a quick vote on a short term extension.

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?These past few days I have met with my constituents in Arkansas?s First District, they are angry and they don?t understand why Congress cannot sit down, hammer out our differences, and have a solution that we all can support. My constituents are good, honest people who deserve a Congress that will put partisan politics aside in favor of the greater good.?

Crawford?s statement was careful not to bash Republican leaders, noting that the House passed a ?responsible? year-long deal in December and arguing that compromise was the only way forward. But it left wiggle room to portray the lawmaker as responsible while his leadership is Washington is taking the heat over the last minute showdown.

Two freshmen bailing on the party message doesn?t add up to a trend, but it?s a sign that even some of the idealistic new members of the Republican class are ready to cut a deal.

?More often than not an ?all or nothing? attitude produces nothing. An ?all or nothing? attitude is not what my constituents need right now. My constituents need a Congress that is willing to put all options on the table, even those that are not yearlong plans, to avoid higher taxes on more than 160 million Americans.

Crawford is the second freshman lawmaker in a tough district who voted for the House GOP measure to send the Senate bill to conference but later indicated he would support a two-month deal as a temporary way to keep the tax holiday from expiring at the end of the year.

?While I would prefer a year-long tax holiday, I refuse to let anyone play games with my constituents who stand to face a significant tax hike if we don?t act. That?s why I will support ANY option to extend the payroll tax cut. If it?s a 2-month extension or a year-long extension, I?ll support it, so long as it?s paid for,? Duffy said in a statement.

?Let?s stop messing around. Middle class, hard-working families in my district don?t care who wins this squabble. They just care if their taxes go up when we?ve all agreed they should not. I don?t care who wrote the plan or the compromise - and neither do the American people - they just want us to get this done,? he said.

Crawford and Duffy join Reps. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington, Charlie Bass of New Hampshire and Chris Gibson of New York in saying that they would vote for any compromise that avoided a tax increase on middle class American. Other freshmen, though, are digging in hard.


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Friday, December 23, 2011

Harte defends call-up of college players

Harte defends call-up of college players

Thursday, December 22, 2011

TYRONE boss Mickey Harte has defended his decision to include college players in his Dr McKenna Cup squad, rather than release them to play for their university teams in the pre-season competition.

The treble All-Ireland-winning manager insisted that if a young player wants to break into the Red Hand panel, he must be in a position to display his talents.

The Ulster Council has ruled that the colleges should have first call on players for the McKenna Cup, but Harte feels he must have access to all his prospective squad members for the season ahead.

He reasoned: "I understand they can play for the college by all means, but if we don?t see them first hand, and they don?t get to mix with our players, the season starts and they feel a bit out of it. So it is unfortunate for the colleges by all means, I can understand their plight.

"But at the same time, there are players we need to see, and we need to seem them in front of us."

The Tyrone boss has injected some youthful talent into his new squad, including two members of the 2010 All-Ireland winning minor team, Omagh pair Ronan O?Neill and Conor Clarke.

And the newcomers have an opportunity to make their mark at the top level as the boss endeavours to fill the gaps left by the retirement of a host of experienced stars, such as Brian Dooher, Brian McGuigan, Enda McGinley, Philip Jordan and Ciaran Gourley.

"There?s a bit of necessity and a bit of experimentation as well," he said of his squad selection.

"Life moves on, some players go out the other side, and we have to give other players a chance.

"And I?m delighted that there?s a new wave of enthusiasm about the squad."

He compared the current process of transition to the situation in 2003, when he took over as manager and immediately introduced a raft of exciting youngsters to senior football, with a spectacular result ? a first All-Ireland SFC title for the county.

"The young players are always good for a squad. It brings me back to 2003, when we brought in a whole lot of young lads. They came and joined the seasoned campaigners and I think it was a good cocktail to have. If we can conjure up anything like that again for this year, then we?ll take that."

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Daily TiPb: How to add more game ROMs to the iMame emulator for iPhone and iPad

Daily TiPb: How to set up games on the iMame emulator for iPhone and iPad

Curious how to get more game ROMs on the iMame emulator for iPhone and iPad? iMame hit the App Store yesterday but didn?t exactly wow anyone with the built in content. Luckily, it?s fairly simple to add more ROMs to the emulator, including a lot of classic games if you have them handy.

  1. Download iMame ? App Store link
  2. Download Mac or Windows PC desktop iExplorer client ? Web link
  3. Connect your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to your computer via USB dock cable.
  4. Start iExplorer on your PC
  5. Navigate to apps/imame/documents.
  6. Drag and drop zipped ROMs from your PC into iExplorer in the apps/imame/documents.

Note that only ROMs from certain ROM sets will work. Rumor has it that you need ROM set 37b5, but older sets can work. It?s hit or miss at this point.

It also supports iCade if you have one, and I found the support from the open source community was already better than Atari?s iCade support. It detects changes better, and when it connects to iCade, the on screen controls disappear. You can also customize the controls.

UPDATE: As noted in the comments, you don?t need iExplorer app on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. You just need the Mac or Windows client. I?ve updated the steps to remove that reference.

Daily Tips range from beginner-level 101 to advanced-level ninjary. If you already know this tip, keep the link handy as a quick way to help a friend. If you have a tip of your own you?d like to suggest, add them to the comments or send them in to

More of: App Store Apps, Daily Tips, Featured, Ninja Tips
More on: emulator tips, Games, gaming tips, iCade, iexplorer, iMame, ipad games, iphone games


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Louisiana tornado hits hospital

Written by
Associated Press

DEQUINCY, La.?- An uncommon December tornado on Tuesday ripped off part of a hospital roof in a southwest Louisiana city, causing several patients to be evacuated, but no injuries.

The National Weather Service said the weak tornado touched down at 8:25 a.m., causing some property damage including at DeQuincy Memorial Hospital.

Eight patients were transferred to hospitals in the nearby cities of Lake Charles and Kinder, but the emergency room remained open, administrative assistant Kashia Spears told the American Press. ?She said it's unclear when the hospital would be able to house people overnight again because the torn off portion of the roof covered a hallway of rooms for patients.

The weather service classified the storm as an EF-1 tornado, which can pack winds up to 110 mph, though an agency official said actual wind speeds were likely far lower. EF-1 tornadoes can have wind speeds as low as 86 mph.

The tornado was the first to strike anywhere in the U.S. this December, a month in which tornadoes are historically uncommon. Though last New Year's Eve, deadly twisters hit Arkansas, Illinois and Missouri. And wide swaths of Mississippi and Louisiana were under severe weather watches.

Weather service forecaster Todd Mogged said the DeQuincy tornado was likely on the ground for less than a minute. Though the weather service issued a tornado warning, Mogged said the fast-developing, short-lived twister probably touched down at about the same time as the alert.

Calcasieu Parish's emergency preparedness director Dick Gremillion said DeQuincy was fortunate. "It's a miracle that there wasn't any more damage," Gremillion said. "It could have been a lot worse."

It was hospital nurse Alisha St. Germain's first encounter with a tornado. Her Chevrolet Tahoe sustained severe damage on its passenger side when roof fragments slammed into it. "I just got out of my car about three minutes before it happened," said St. Germain, who bought the vehicle in September.

Beyond the hospital, damage was limited in the northern part of the city.

The tornado was part of a system bringing rain to several Southern states. Also, a different deadly storm that caused blizzard conditions in portions of the Great Plains weakened Tuesday as it headed east into Missouri and toward the Great Lakes.

In DeQuincy, Gremillion said recovery operations began minutes after the tornado passed, and by 1 p.m., workers at the hospital had begun installing a temporary roof in a bid to prevent further damage. By nightfall, area utility companies said they had largely restored power after a day of widespread outages.

The Associated Press

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Payroll tax compromise set for Senate vote (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Racing for the exits after a year of bitter battling, senators are voting on compromise legislation to extend a Social Security payroll tax cut and jobless benefits for just two months, setting the table for more fighting in February.

Top Democratic and GOP leaders opted for just a short extension after failing to agree on spending reductions large enough to cover a full year renewal of the 2 percentage point tax cut for 160,000 workers and weekly jobless payments averaging about $300 for millions of people who have been out of work for six months or more.

The legislation is a partial victory at best for President Barack Obama, who's being forced to accept Republican demands for a swift decision on the fate of a Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline that promises thousands of jobs.

Votes were slated for Saturday morning on the measure, along with a final tally to send a $1 trillion-plus catchall spending measure setting the day-to-day budgets of 10 Cabinet agencies. The House cleared the spending bill Friday and will return early next week to vote on the payroll tax measure.

In a statement, White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer indicated Obama would sign the measure, saying it had met his test of "preventing a tax increase on 160 million hardworking Americans" and avoiding damage to the economy recovery.

The statement made no mention of the pipeline. One senior administration official said the president would almost certainly refuse to grant a permit. The official was not authorized to speak publicly.

The developments came a few hours after the White House publicly backed away from Obama's threat to veto any bill that linked the payroll tax cut extension with a Republican demand for a speedy decision on the 1,700-mile Keystone XL oil pipeline proposed from Canada to Texas Gulf Coast refineries.

Obama said on Dec. 7 that "any effort to try to tie Keystone to the payroll tax cut I will reject. So everybody should be on notice."

Obama recently announced he was postponing a decision until after the 2012 elections on the much-studied proposal. Environmentalists oppose the project, but several unions support it, and the legislation puts the president in the uncomfortable position of having to choose between customary political allies.

Republican senators leaving a closed-door meeting put the price tag of the two-month package at between $30 billion and $40 billion said the cost would be covered by raising fees on new mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The fees, drawn from a Treasury Department housing finance market reform plan, could add several thousand dollars to the 30-year cost of Fannie- and Freddie-backed mortgages. A worker making a $100,000 salary would reap a tax cut of about $330 through the short-term payroll tax extension.

Just hours before the vote, the legislation had not been made public.

The measure would also provide a 60-day reprieve from a scheduled 27 percent cut in the fees paid to doctors who treat Medicare patients.

Several officials said it would require a decision within 60 days on the pipeline, with the president required to authorize construction unless he determined that would not be in the national interest.

Officials said that in private talks, the two sides had hoped to reach agreement on the full one-year extension of the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits that Obama had made the centerpiece of the jobs program he submitted to Congress last fall.

Those efforts failed when the two sides could not agree on enough offsetting cuts to blunt the measure's impact on the debt.

The failure tees up the issue again for early next year, but it won't get any easier to agree on spending cuts.

"We'll be back discussing the same issues in a couple of months, but from our point of view, we think the keystone pipeline is a very important job-creating measure in the private sector that doesn't cost the government a penny," said Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader.

There was no immediate reaction from House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. Neither he nor his aides participated in the negotiations, although McConnell said he was optimistic about the measure's chances for final approval. The payroll tax cut is unpopular in GOP ranks and another vote in two month could present a headache for GOP leaders.

The State Department, in an analysis released this summer, said the project would create up to 6,000 jobs during construction, while developer TransCanada put the total at 20,000 in direct employment.

The 1,700-mile pipeline would carry oil from western Canada to Texas Gulf Coast refineries, passing through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma.

The spending bill would lock in cuts that conservative Republicans won from the White House and Democrats earlier in the year.

Republicans also won their fight to block new federal regulations for light bulb energy efficiency, coal dust in mines and clean water permits for construction of timber roads.

The White House turned back GOP attempts to block limits on greenhouse gases, mountaintop removal mining and hazardous emissions from utility plants, industrial boilers and cement kilns.


Associated Press writers David Espo, Alan Fram, Donna Cassata and Jim Kuhnhenn contributed to this report.


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

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McQueary: I believe I saw Sandusky molesting boy

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - A Penn State assistant football coach says he believes he saw former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky sexually molesting a boy but cannot say he is 100 percent sure it was intercourse.

Falcons take flight vs. Jags, boost playoff hopes

Matt Ryan threw three touchdown passes, John Abraham had 3? sacks and the Atlanta Falcons clinched a fourth straight winning season with a 41-14 rout of the Jacksonville Jaguars on Thursday night.


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Golden Globe noms rev up Hollywood's Oscar race (AP)

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. ? The Golden Globes are good at predicting likely best-picture nominees for the Academy Awards. Not so much at predicting the eventual big Oscar winner, though.

Globe voters, who release their nominations Thursday, used to have a solid track record as a forecast for the Oscar best-picture prize. But they've been swinging and missing recently, with only one top Globe recipient going on to claim the main trophy come Oscar night during the last seven years.

Yet the Globes might have better luck this time. The show has two best-picture categories, one for drama, the other for musicals or comedies. The latter category usually doesn't offer serious best-picture contenders at the Oscars, which tend toward heavier drama.

But this season, the spry, black-and-white silent film "The Artist" stands as a solid comedy to challenge the dramas at the Oscars. If "The Artist" wins the Globe musical or comedy prize, it could end up in an Oscar showdown with the Globe drama winner, whose contenders might include the Deep South tale "The Help," George Clooney's family story "The Descendants," Steven Spielberg's World War I epic "War Horse" and Martin Scorsese's Paris adventure "Hugo."

Last season, the Facebook tale "The Social Network" emerged as the film to beat at the Oscars after it won for best drama at the Globes. Then the monarchy saga "The King's Speech" picked up steam with key wins at Hollywood trade union honors and wound up crowned best picture at the Oscars.

The year before, the Globes chose "Avatar" over "The Hurt Locker," the latter ending up the Oscar champ.

The last time the Globes matched up with the Oscars was three years ago, when "Slumdog Millionaire" triumphed at both ceremonies.

Before its current seven-year streak of mostly misses, the Globes had been on a run of eight-straight years in which either its best drama or best musical-comedy winner took home the best-picture Oscar.

Along with Clooney for "The Descendants," A-listers potentially scoring Globe nominations include: Brad Pitt for both his baseball tale "Moneyball" and the family epic "The Tree of Life"; Meryl Streep for the Margaret Thatcher chronicle "The Iron Lady"; Glenn Close for the Irish drama "Albert Nobbs"; Leonardo DiCaprio for the J. Edgar Hoover biography "J. Edgar"; and Michelle Williams for the Marilyn Monroe story "My Week with Marilyn."

"The Help" could have a big haul at the Globes, with acting prospects for Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Jessica Chastain, Emma Stone and Bryce Dallas Howard.

Among other fresher faces with a shot at breaking into the awards are Rooney Mara for the thriller "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"; Jean Dujardin and Berenice Bejo for "The Artist"; Michael Fassbender for the sex-addict drama "Shame"; and Clooney's "Descendants" co-star Shailene Woodley.

With drinks and dinner, the Globes are a laid-back affair for Hollywood's elite compared to the Oscars. The show turned a bit touchy last year as host Ricky Gervais repeatedly made sharp wisecracks about stars and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, a group of about 85 entertainment reporters for overseas outlets that presents the Globes.

But Gervais helped give the show a TV ratings boost, and he's been invited back as host for a third-straight year.

Five-time Academy Award and Globe nominee Morgan Freeman ? who won the supporting-actor Oscar for "Million Dollar Baby" and a best-actor Globe for "Driving Miss Daisy" ? will receive the group's Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime achievement at the Jan. 15 ceremony.

Thursday's nominations in 25 film and television categories will be announced by actors Sofia Vergara, Woody Harrelson and Gerard Butler.




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Saturday, December 17, 2011

NFL renews television deals with CBS, Fox and NBC (AP)

NEW YORK ? With NFL games enjoying seemingly invincible ratings while most everything else on TV goes down, down, down, the league's traditional broadcast partners embraced a deal that sends their rights fees up, up, up.

CBS, Fox and NBC renewed their contracts for nine years through the 2022 season, the NFL announced Wednesday. The average fees from the three networks will increase by an average of 7 percent annually, a person familiar with the details said. That will take the total revenue from them from the current $1.93 billion per year to $3.1 billion by 2022.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the figures weren't made public.

The current agreements expire after the 2013 season.

"(The deals) will ensure the NFL will stay on free television for another 11 years, which I think is great for fans," Commissioner Roger Goodell said at the owners' meetings outside Dallas. "It will continue to allow us to grow our audience. It's a tribute to the players and (union chief DeMaurice) Smith for extending our labor agreement for 10 years. I think that kind of stability gave us the ability to get these contract extensions."

Earlier this season, the NFL and ESPN reached an eight-year extension to keep "Monday Night Football" on the cable channel through the 2021 season, increasing the rights fee from $1.1 to 1.9 billion annually.

The new contracts also will allow NFL Network to expand the number of Thursday night games it airs beginning next year. The current schedule includes eight games during the second half of the season.

Goodell said the broadcast committee hadn't yet decided on whether to create a separate Thursday package to sell to an outside network.

NFL games account for 23 of the 25 most-watched programs among all television shows this fall and draw more than twice as many average viewers as broadcast prime-time shows. No wonder network executives piled on the superlatives Wednesday.

"This is incredibly powerful programming," said NBC Sports Group Chairman Mark Lazarus.

"It's as sure as you can get with anything today," said Fox Sports Co-President Eric Shanks.

"It's an unbelievably important product to associate ourselves with," said CBS Sports Chairman Sean McManus.

The three networks will each televise three Super Bowls during the length of the contracts, continuing the current rotation.

The nine-year terms are the longest for NFL television agreements with over-the-air networks. The previous longest were the eight-year deals with CBS, Fox and ABC from 1998-2005.

"With live broadcasts becoming more and more important, having the cream of the crop of live programing for the next 11 years is pretty incredible," Shanks said.

Locking in the NFL is the cornerstone for the rest of networks' economic planning, he said.

"I'm sure even today our ad sales guys' phones are ringing off the hook, even though the deal doesn't start for another two years," Shanks said.

CBS will continue to show the AFC package on Sunday afternoons as it has since 1998, while Fox still has the NFC package that it first acquired in 1994.

"Sunday Night Football" will remain on NBC, which picked it up in 2006. The network will add the annual Thanksgiving prime-time game starting in 2012, exchange one of its current wild- card matchups for a divisional playoff game, and create a Sunday morning pregame show in 2014 on NBC Sports Network (the future name of cable partner Versus).

It also gets three Super Bowls in nine years compared with two in eight seasons under the old deal.

The Thanksgiving night game had been on NFL Network.

"It's one of the most important advertising days of the year," Lazarus said. "We think this will elevate Thanksgiving not only for NBC but for the NFL."

Flexible scheduling will stay in effect to ensure quality late-season matchups on Sunday late afternoons and nights. It will be expanded in 2014 to allow some AFC games to air on Fox and NFC games on CBS, and for NBC to start switching out its prime-time matchups earlier in the season.

Shanks said the "cross-flexing" would allow more of the country to see certain appealing matchups.

The deals include "TV everywhere" rights for the networks to simulcast games online and on tablets ? though not mobile phones, for which Verizon has a separate agreement.

McManus acknowledged the NFL had become "increasingly more valuable."

"To know there's labor peace," he said. "To know the ratings have just been so consistent year after year after year, and ad growth has been so consistent year after year after year."


AP Pro Football Writers Jaime Aron in Irving, Texas, and Barry Wilner in East Rutherford, N.J., contributed to this report.


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